Nit de l’Oli 2023

Finca Sa Cadernera wparticipated in the“Nit de l’Oli” 2023,

The “Nit de l’Oli 2023” was held on Friday, February 24th, at “El Aljub d’es Baluard Museum”

“Nit de l’Oli” 2023″

An event where the Regulatory Council of the Origin Denomination “Oli de Mallorca” presents the extra virgin olive oils from the last campaign.

As every year, producers from all over Mallorca participated, offering tastings of their olive oils made with varieties bearing the “Oli de Mallorca” Designation of Origin, such as the Mallorquina, Arbequina, Picual, and Empeltre varieties.

With this activity, the regulatory council aims to enable restaurateurs, commercializers, and consumers to learn about the olive oil produced on the island of Mallorca firsthand from the producers themselves., como lo son la variedad Mallorquina, Arbequina, Picual y Empeltre.

nit de l'oli 2023 Mallorca
extra virgin olive oil protected origin designation

Mallorca oil with denomination of origin is commercialized, packaged and sealed with the Regulatory Council’s guarantee seal. In the manufacturing firm’s own tickets the registration number appears from the origin denomination.

Ours Olive Oils

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